Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A New Generation Discovers The UnFranchise

Gregory Bohenko was sitting in a University of Massachusetts-Lowell lecture hall with around 200 other marketing students one day, when his professor asked for a show of hands by everyone who already owned their own business. 

His was the only one that went up.

Gregory may be just a 19-year-old Marketing major heading into his junior year of college, but he's also a successful UnFranchise Owner with innovative ideas for building his business through social media.

For him, the decision to open an UnFranchise was simple:  starting a Market America business was the only realistic way he could finance his education.  After only a few months active, his choice is starting to look better every day. 

The idea, as he put it, is to show his fellow students how they can come out of college debt-free.  It's a tough task considering that so many students finish their educations with a debt burden in the tens of thousands of dollars, but Bohenko is turning himselft into a living example that it CAN be done!!!!  His rapid success is already allowing him to act on his dreams, as he has plans to transfer to James Madison University, a school he wouldn't otherwise have been able to afford without his Market America business. 

Listen to what Gregory has to say:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK9aOGkijV8


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. For more information on the Market America business model Gregory is referring to, visit http://www.aprovenoption.com to learn more and to contact us.

  3. Come follow me at https://www.facebook.com/WesternStatesEnvelope?sk=app_154138757977476#!/CookingwithMadjon
